Together Again For The First Time
IQT Quartets
IQT or Intensive Quartet Training is an annual event hosted by the Johnny Appleseed District (JAD) of the Barbershop Harmony Society. It is an opportunity for quartets from around the district to work with some of the top coaches in the JAD for a full day of singing and learning. Since IQT happened to be hosted here at Lord Of Life on the same day as our concert, The Alliance thought it would be a great opportunity to invite the participating quartets to perform as part of our show. We are happy to be able to support our district and district quartets, and hope you join us in celebrating the development of our friends and colleagues!
Mixed Nuts
Lead: Brian Deweese
Tenor: Angela Jones
Baritone: Jessica Virtz
Bass: Ted Rose
Mixed Nuts is a new barbershop quartet plus so much more. Our specialty is bringing our diverse musical backgrounds together to form a unique a cappella blend of styles, genres, and eras. Our sweet tenor, Angela Jones is a classical flutist (she actually prefers flutist to flautist), avid church musician, and fan of Jazz. Brian Deweese, our fiery lead, lends his passionate Broadway delivery with just a hint of his classical training mixed in. Jessica Virtz is our resident barbershop brat (her father introduced her to the style), but she's no brat in real life - she lends a love of pop music, church hymns, and barbershop to her role as our "beast of a baritone." Finally, Ted Rose lays the bass foundation with the power of a lyric-dramatic bass-baritone background tinged with a love for tight pop harmonies of the 1960s - 1990s, vocal jazz, and dramatic musical theater.
Lead: Tim Cogley
Tenor: Paul Russell
Baritone: Marty Hibbard
Bass: Michael Gilmore
Yes. CrossTOWN, not that other quartet you first thought of, is a seniors quartet from all around central (and not so central) Ohio. Hence the name. Our Lead, Tim Cogley, hails from London, OH (not England). Our Tenor, Paul Russell, lives in Nerk, um Newark. Our Baritone, Marty Hibbard, comes straight outta Gahanna. Our Bass, Michael Gilmore, hails from Westerville. You may have seen us in our choruses - Singing Buckeyes, the Alliance (wonderful sponsors of this show), Land of Legend and Alexandria Harmonizers. Of pictures we have none, just never think about it because we live to entertain you.
Revenge Of The Fifth
Lead: Kate Franks
Tenor: Dana Gipe
Baritone: Stefan Krut
Bass: Ben Pilcher
As disharmony spreads across the galaxy, a small band of rebel vocalists has coalesced under the name Revenge of the Fifth. Brought together by their mutual love of barbershop music and sci-fi flicks, Dana (tenor), Kate (lead), Stefan (baritone) and Ben (bass) are all first-time quartet-ers and have been singing together for one year.
Midnight Snack
Tenor: Santos Orozco
Lead: Mark Simonis
Baritone: James Hartman
Bass: Brian Campbell