The Alliance Chorus Holiday Show
A special thank you to our supporters! Your support empowers the Alliance to share the joy of music with others.
Featured Quartets
There’s a new Johnny Appleseed District quartet that formed this past year! All four members have experience in the competitive barbershopping world.
Lead: Tim Cogley
Tenor: Paul Russell
Baritone: Marty Hibbard
Bass: Michael Gilmore
Yes. CrossTOWN, not that other quartet you first thought of, is a seniors quartet from all around central (and not so central) Ohio. Hence the name. Our Lead, Tim Cogley, hails from London, OH (not England). Our Tenor, Paul Russell, lives in Nerk, um Newark. Our Baritone, Marty Hibbard, comes straight outta Gahanna. Our Bass, Michael Gilmore, hails from Westerville. You may have seen us in our choruses - Singing Buckeyes, the Alliance (wonderful sponsors of this show), Land of Legend and Alexandria Harmonizers. We wish you happy holidays-and please don’t fight over presents.
There’s a new quartet in town and this one has deep connections to the Alliance. All four are board members, two have been chapter president, all four are section leaders, and all four are so happy to be singing tonight as a quartet!
Chris Boron (tenor) sang tenor in 2018's 2nd place JAD quartet, The Regulars and is a tenor sax-playing whiskey maker. Jason Rosensteel (lead) is an alumni of the Bowling Green Men's Chorus and sang lead in the 2019 JAD Novice Quartet Champion, The Home Team. Chris Buirley (baritone) sang lead with Chris Boron in The Regulars and speaks fluent Chinese. Brian O’Dell (bass) is filling in with ACQ tonight. Brian sings bass in the 2016 BHS international champion quartet, Forefront as well as singing Bass in Mixtape, the current JAD district champion quartet.